• Nightingale’s internal Clipboard is used in the usual way to cut, copy, and paste information. One unusual feature is that there are two types of pasting: ‘Paste Insert’, which “adds time” to the score and moves everything following “to the right”, and ‘Paste Merge’, which combines the contents of the clipboard with the score and does not add time. • ‘Cut’, ‘Copy’, and ‘Clear’ work only on continuous selections, and Nightingale considers any selection that crosses between systems or between pages to be discontinuous. You can still copy more than one system at a time with the ‘Copy Page(s)’ and ‘Paste Page(s)’ commands; if you wanted only part of a page, of course you can follow up Paste Pages by removing the unwanted material and then Reformatting. (Paste Pages replaces Paste Insert if the last Clear or Copy was of pages.) Similarly, you can remove one or more entire pages at a time with Clear Page(s). • Text can be moved from Nightingale to or from other applications via the Clipboard by Cutting, Copying, or Pasting in several of Nightingale’s dialogs. For example, you can prepare text in a word processor, Copy it in the word processor, then switch to Nightingale and Paste the text into the ‘Flow In Text’ dialog. Other than this, there is currently no way to use the Macintosh Clipboard, with the Scrapbook or any other technique, to exchange data between Nightingale and other applications. However, MIDI data can be gotten into and out of Nightingale by importing and exporting MIDI files, graphic information can be gotten out with the Save PostScript command, and “musical” information can be gotten out with the Save Notelist command.